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Hania Oleszak

Title: County Extension Specialist
Specialty: Horticulture, Plant Pathology, and Food Systems
Geography: Jefferson County

Spotlight: Hania is our CSU Extension Agent in Horticulture, Plant Pathology, and Food Systems. She has her BS in Biology from Boston College and her MS in Soil Science from CSU. Before this position, she spent time in a range of roles in horticulture and soil science, including a stint volunteering at a vineyard in Argentina, working at one of Cornell’s horticultural research and extension centers, and working for the USDA in soil science research. In the extension agent role, Hania is most excited to fill in the gaps of her knowledge and work one-on-one with gardeners, landowners, and producers to address their horticultural challenges. In her free time, you can find her skiing, rock-climbing, or reading about sustainable agriculture/food systems.”