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DUG Corps AmeriCorps Member

Service Position Summary: Denver Urban Gardens (DUG) Corps members serve within DUG’s network of 192 community gardens located across six counties in Denver-Metro. Serving closely with gardeners, Garden Leaders, and DUG staff, members will be assigned gardens to support throughout the season. Members act as liaisons between the gardens and DUG and cultivate engagement between gardeners, gardens, and the broader community. Members will serve as program activators, building deeper connections with community gardens and programs, leading events, and participating in workdays and infrastructure projects throughout the network.

Four (4) three-quarter time (1,200 hours) AmeriCorps positions are needed. Service will begin with the new member orientation training on February 15, 2023.

Essential Functions:

• Serve as a conduit to the DUG team for gardens and Garden Leaders (garden maintenance and repairs, horticulture, Justice Equity Diversity and Inclusion (JEDI), food and language access, leadership)

• Plan and oversee community-building events within the gardens, including Organic Gardening Learning Labs, Master Composter Classes, and Garden Socials, and encourage inter-network garden connections.

• Support and unify Garden Leaders within each geographic Micro Network and the larger DUG network.

• Support garden construction workdays and infrastructure projects, safely use power tools, assist with sign hanging, and garden clean-ups.

• Provide on-the-ground oversight of DUG’s Baseline Infrastructure Initiative, including community outreach to reactivate select gardens.

• Accurately and professionally discuss with community partners and volunteers the objectives of DUG and the AmeriCorps program.

• Complete contract service hours (Three-quarter time, 1,200 hours) and site-specific responsibilities by November 15, 2023.

• Participate in ongoing trainings and events as required and requested by AmeriCorps, CSU Extension, and/or DUG.

Secondary Functions:

Accurately complete and submit enrollment paperwork and reports.

Have dependable transportation to and from the host site, program/partner site, and programming activities.

• Wear official DUG/AmeriCorps identity items such as name tags, T-shirts, and lapel pins during all AmeriCorps service.

• Participate in performance reviews with the site supervisor.

• Meet regularly with the site supervisor to discuss service topics and issues.

• Represent AmeriCorps, Colorado State University Extension, and DUG professionally.


• Be willing to provide direct services, strengthen the community, and build the organization’s capacity as described in the position description.

• Be a U.S. citizen or U.S. national or a lawful permanent resident of the U.S.

• Have a high school diploma or GED and be at least 18 years old.

• Have a valid driver’s license and reliable transportation.

• Pass required criminal background checks, including a National Sex Offender Website search, to serve with at-risk or vulnerable populations. AmeriCorps service is contingent on passing these background checks.

• Be willing and able to complete the required service hours by November 15, 2023.

Desired Knowledge, Skills, Abilities:

• Be dedicated to community service.

• Interest in gardening, horticulture, physical labor, and working outside with your hands.

• Basic carpentry skills or desire to learn.

• Ability to serve independently and plan, organize, prioritize, and complete multiple tasks with minimal supervision, a systems mindset.

• Ability to make a commitment to complete term of service (between February 2023 – November 2023).

• Ability and willingness to serve in a team setting and to promote collaboration.

• Ability and willingness to serve in a position with flexible hours Tuesday-Saturday, including occasional evenings.

• Ability to use a computer for e-mail communication and online reporting.

• Outgoing and personable with a passion for community building.

• Professional, respectful, and brings a positive attitude.

• Personal and professional commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.

• Spanish and/or knowledge of other languages a plus.


§ Attend all required training, including Orientation Training in February

§ Submit an online timesheet to report service hours once every two weeks

§ Report data as requested

§ Complete 1,200 hours by November 15, 2023

§ Attend events as required throughout the program year.

Living Allowance:

Three-quarter time members earn a living allowance of up to $21,000 (disbursed in equal payments every two weeks) for their term of service (1,200 hours) as well as an Education Award of $4,546.50 upon successful program completion.

Training Provided: New member orientation, monthly member development trainings, ongoing training at your host site, and training provided by Serve Colorado.

Service Environment: Ability to serve in an outdoor, garden setting with a flexible schedule, including Saturdays and some evenings. Members serve under the direct supervision of the Host Site Supervisor and under the program supervision of the Program Manager and Coordinator.

To Apply: Positions are available in the Denver Metro area. Apply through the CSU website at

For more information about the program, please contact or 970.491.5575.

Helpful Links:

Denver Urban Gardens (DUG):

CSU Extension 4-H STEM AmeriCorps Program:

CSU Extension:

Colorado 4-H STEM & K-12 Program:

Serve Colorado:


Colorado State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, sex, gender, disability, veteran status, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or pregnancy. Colorado State University is an equal opportunity/equal access/affirmative action employer fully committed to achieving a diverse workforce and complies with all Federal and Colorado State laws, regulations, and executive orders regarding nondiscrimination and affirmative action. The Office of Equal Opportunity is located in 101 Student Services. Colorado State University Extension operates in compliance with the same laws and executive orders as the University as administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. As a part of the USDA regulations, the Extension Equal Employment Opportunity representative may be contacted at 1311 South College Avenue, Room 102, Colorado State University. This AmeriCorps program is available to all, without regard to race, color, national origin, disability, age, sex, political affiliation, or, in most instances, religion. It is also unlawful to retaliate against any person who, or organization that, files a complaint about such discrimination. In addition to filing a complaint with local and state agencies that are responsible for resolving discrimination complaints, you may bring a complaint to the attention of the Corporation for National and Community Service. If you believe that you or others have been discriminated against, or if you want more information, contact: Office of Civil Right and Inclusiveness, Corporation for National and Community Service, 1201 New York Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20525, (800) 833-3722 (TTY and reasonable accommodation line) (202) 565-3465 (FAX); (email)