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Free support for your food or agricultural business

The Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at Colorado State University has several classes in which students work directly with food and agricultural businesses to provide in-depth analysis of the business’ marketing, financial, and strategic position. Student undertake a feasibility study to assess one or more potential opportunities for the business to improve its performance, including finding new markets, reducing costs, or undertaking new investments. If you are interested in working with a student group, please fill out our brief intake form below.
Please note that for the completion of the project the team will need to have access to some financial data and marketing information about your company. All the data received will be treated confidentially (click here to see an example Memorandum of Understanding). The instructor and the TA for the class will see part of the information, as it is pertinent to assignments and the project report. The students will present some of their findings to the rest of the class – however any sensitive information can be omitted from the presentations, if preferred by the business manager / contact.