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Frontline Farming’s Apprenticeship Program

Frontline Farming’s Apprenticeship Program is a path for beginning to intermediate Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) growers of all ages who want to gain the fundamental skills needed in the movement toward personal and communal food sovereignty. We provide a culturally supportive and immersive environment for community, education and advocacy. It is our hope and determination to heal the pain and trauma from years of being subjected to systems of oppression throughout our historical bondage and use the knowledge of our ancestors to reconnect to the land for nourishment and reparations. 

This program will provide land-based skills to empower leadership as growers and as food activists for the participants and their communities. The training will go over farm planning, soil renewal and deep personal reflection as we affirm historical divorce from the land and reignite our cultural connection to the earth.

2022 Program Logistics

  • Application Deadline is January 31, 2022
  • Program runs from April 18, 2022 to October 28, 2022 (28 weeks)
  • Program participation is 20hrs/week on a set schedule of Monday, Wednesday & Friday.
  • Apprentices receive an education stipend of $1,280/month during the enrollment in the program.