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Fruit and Vegetable Farm Hand

Fruit and Vegetable Farm Hand

WCRC-OM veggies WE proposal.pdf  

This internship is based at the Colorado State University Western Colorado Research Center at Orchard Mesa (3170 B1/2 Rd 81503).  Interns will assist in fruit and vegetable production in small orchards, 1 acre vegetable plots, and raised bed gardens. Fruits and Vegetables are donated to local food pantries and meal programs.  Interns will be trained, supervised, and will spend most of their time with a production team.  They will learn skills in small-scale vegetable production, drip irrigation, operating agriculture machinery, and produce safety guidelines.  We can individualize training within the scope of vegetable and fruit production to help interns individualize their work experience. This position is suited for someone who is interested in developing a career in agricultural production, landscaping, nursery, or local food access. Hiring May 2023. Send an email with your interest and a resume to