Making global impact through local connections.
Food systems are defined as the connections between natural resources, the agricultural and food industry, and the buyers, consumers and communities to which they contribute. Research, extension and education identifies and informs opportunities to bridge how the production, supply chains, and eaters respond to changing markets, policy, and environment. At CSU, we focus on these three key areas to train, influence, and communicate opportunities to connect food related roles in achieving healthy communities, economies, and individuals.
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Colorado State University Extension is an equal opportunity provider. | Colorado State University does not discriminate on the basis of disability and is committed to providing reasonable accommodations. | CSU’s Office of Engagement and Extension ensures meaningful access and equal opportunities to participate to individuals whose first language is not English.
Colorado State University Extension es un proveedor que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades. | Colorado State University no discrimina por motivos de discapacidad y se compromete a proporcionar adaptaciones razonables. | Office of Engagement and Extension de CSU garantiza acceso significativo e igualdad de oportunidades para participar a las personas quienes su primer idioma no es el inglés.