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Highwater Farm: AmeriCorps VISTA Program & Events Coordinator

Position timeline: April 13, 2020 – April 9, 2021

Application deadline: March 13, 2020

The AmeriCorps VISTA Program & Events Coordinator will help lay the groundwork for a successful farming season in 2020 and pilot program in 2021. Responsibilities include: coordinating on-farm volunteer and public events, working to build strong relationships with community partners, helping with organizational development, and assisting with youth recruitment and on-boarding.

Click here for the full Position Description


  1. Please read through the detailed position description to make sure that this position is right for you.

  2. Submit your online application

  3. Email a cover letter and resume to

    Final application deadline: 5pm on Friday, March 13, 2020.

    Questions? Contact Sara:, or 909-844-6116