The research team is a collaboration between researchers at Colorado State University, Ohio State University, and U. S. Department of Agriculture – Agriculture and Marketing Service.
The Lead Research Team | Institution | Contact Information |
Jablonski, Becca B.R. (PD) | Colorado State University | |
Carolan, Michael (Co-PD) | Colorado State University | |
Plakias, Zoë (Co-PD) | Western Washington University | |
Ashley Chaifetz (Co-PD) | USDA AMS | |
Kashyap, Pratyoosh (Project Manager) | Colorado State University | |
Hale, James (Research Scientist) | Colorado State University | |
Xu, Lei (Graduate Student) | The Ohio State University | |
Spalding, Ashley (Agricultural Economist) | USDA ERS | |
O’Hara, Jeffrey (Agricultural Economist) | USDA OCE | |
Associate Professor and Food Systems Extension Economist
Becca Jablonski is an Associate Professor and Food Systems Extension Economist in the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at Colorado State University (CSU). Dr. Jablonski’s research and extension program is comprised of two primary components: 1) evaluating the farm and ranch profitability impacts of sales through non-commodity markets (e.g., local food markets, farm to school programs); and, 2) assessing the community economic impacts of food system policies, investments, and programs, including strategies focused on strengthening rural-urban linkages. As part of her position she co-leads CSU’s Food Systems Initiative and the CSU Food Systems Extension team. Dr. Jablonski holds a PhD from Cornell University.
Professor of Sociology and Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development
I am currently advising numerous federal and state entities, at the national and international levels, on topics related to the so-called rural-urban divide. I am also Co-PI on two projects–one in Canada and another in Norway–looking at the impact on digital farming platforms on rural and farm/ranch livelihoods.
Assistant Professor, College of Business & Economics
Zoë is an agricultural and food systems economist. She uses microeconomic theory and econometric methods to study: (1) the motivations of stakeholders and welfare implications in domestic supply chains aim to produce and distribute food in ways that are more fair, healthy or environmentally sustainable than conventional supply chains; (2) the role of market power in the agricultural supply chain in the context of farm organizations and farmer collective action; and (3) the interactions of farmers and food system stakeholders in farm organizations, cooperatives and social networks both within and outside markets, and their relationships to market outcomes. She also teaches undergraduate courses in Ohio State’s Agribusiness and Applied Economics (AAE) and Environment, Economy, Development, Sustainability (EEDS) majors, and conducts outreach to agricultural and food system stakeholders in Ohio and nationally.
Research Scientist
James is a sociologist with expertise in food systems, sustainability, governance, and community development. He is currently working on 1) understanding the impacts of incentives and other community resources on farm-to-school procurement decision-making, 2) integrating the social dimensions of food systems into agent-based modelling, 3) using Social Network Analysis to study the impacts of regional food system engagement efforts, and 4) improving how social and cultural capitals are used in community development research and evaluation.
PhD Candidate
Pratyoosh Kashyap doing his PhD in Agricultural Economics and has a Master’s in Development Economics. He is currently working on understanding the socio-economic impacts of state incentives in the Farm to School Program, and issues in food safety in the US. He has previously worked on projects of agricultural extension in the US, and livestock value chains, livelihood development, and agricultural extension in India.
Agricultural Marketing Specialist
Ashley Chaifetz designs and leads interdisciplinary multi-year research at the USDA focused on local and regional food systems, concentrating on direct-to-consumer marketing channels, farm to school, food safety, and, generally, the goods available to and demanded by diverse communities.
PhD Student
Lei Xu is a Ph.D. Student in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and Development Economics at The Ohio State University. Lei is currently doing research exploring the effects of SNAP benefits on food security in Appalachian Ohio. She is also working to understand the effects of Farm to School procurement subsidies on local produce prices by using apple markets. Lei has an extension project moving on with her advisor, to explore the potential impacts of local food reimbursement policies for Ohio.
Senior Agricultural Economist
Jeff O’Hara is a Senior Agricultural Economist in the Office of Energy and Environmental Policy. Prior to joining USDA’s Office of the Chief Economist in 2021, Jeff was an economist at USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service (2015-2021), the Union of Concerned Scientists (2010-2015), and the Chicago Climate Exchange (2007-2010). Jeff received a PhD in economics from University of California, San Diego (2007) and BS in economics from The George Washington University (2000).
Research Agricultural Economist
Ashley earned her PhD in agricultural and Resource Economics from UC Davis in 2021. Her graduate research focused on the effect of information on consumer and producer behavior. This included information about both credence attributes—specifically transitional organic and local production—and food-safety incidents. She subsequently joined ERS, where she works on local and regional food systems.
Name | Organization |
Amy R Gilroy | Oregon Department of Agriculture |
Becca Boone | Colorado Department of Education |
Cheryl Bilinski | Cornell University |
Colleen Matts | Michigan State University |
Erica Goodman | American Farmland Trust |
Erin Opgenorth | Colorado Department of Education |
Jessica Wright | Nourish Colorado |
Karen Spangler | National Farm to School Network |
Lauren Gwin | Oregon State University |
McKenna Pullen | Colorado Department of Education |
Melina Barker | Oregon Farm to School and School Garden Network |
Michelle Markesteyn | Oregon State University |
Mikaela Ruiz-Ramon | American Farmland Trust |
Rick Sherman | Oregon Department of Education |
Stephanie Hsu | American Farmland Trust |
Tricia Kovacs | USDA AMS |
Wendy Peters Moschetti | Nourish Colorado |
Advisory Committee:
Colorado State University Extension is an equal opportunity provider. | Colorado State University does not discriminate on the basis of disability and is committed to providing reasonable accommodations. | CSU’s Office of Engagement and Extension ensures meaningful access and equal opportunities to participate to individuals whose first language is not English.
Colorado State University Extension es un proveedor que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades. | Colorado State University no discrimina por motivos de discapacidad y se compromete a proporcionar adaptaciones razonables. | Office of Engagement and Extension de CSU garantiza acceso significativo e igualdad de oportunidades para participar a las personas quienes su primer idioma no es el inglés.