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Journal Articles

 Date Article Link Description
2021Novel methods for an interesting time: Exploring U.S. local food systems’ impacts and initiatives to respond to COVID

The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Dawn Thilmany , Lilian Brislen, Hailey Edmondson,Mackenzie Gill, Becca B. R. Jablonski, Jairus Rossi, Tim Woods and Samantha Schaffstall

2021How Older Households Manage Food Insecurity with Food Production Activities

Selected Paper prepared for presentation at the 2021 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, August 1 – August 3

Joshua Berning, Jude Bayham, Alessandro Bonanno, Rebecca Cleary, Pratiksha Baishya

2021Exploring Changes in Local Food Purchasing Patterns during COVID-19: Insights from a Nationwide Consumer Survey

Hailey Edmondson, Colorado State University
Dr. Dawn Thilmany-McFadden, Colorado State University

2021The Impact of State Farm to School Procurement Incentives on School Purchasing Decisions

Journal of School Health

2021Too cool for farm to school? Analyzing the determinants of farm to school programming continuation

Alessandro Bonanno and Sachintha S.Mendis

2021COVID-19's Impact on Gendered Household Food Practices: Eating and Feeding as Expressions of Competencies, Moralities, and Mobilities

Michael Carolan - The Sociological Quarterly, 2021
This article is based on research conducted in Colorado in late-2019 and again post-COVID outbreak, from April through May of 2020.

2022The profitability implications of sales through local food markets for beginning farmers and ranchers

Agricultural Finance Review
Becca B.R. Jablonski, Joleen Hadrich, Allison Bauman, Martha Sullins, Dawn Thilmany

2022Opportunities to support beginning farmers and ranchers in the 2023 Farm Bill

Becca B. R. Jablonski; Nigel Key; Joleen Hadrich;
Allie Bauman; Sarah Campbell; Dawn Thilmany;
Martha Sullins

2022Food insecurity and time use in elderly vs. non‐elderly: An exploratory analysis

J Berning, R Cleary, A Bonanno - Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 2022

2022Disparities in food insecurity among Black and White households: An analysis by age cohort, poverty, education, and home ownership

J Berning, A Bonanno, R Cleary - Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 2022

2023Beer sales in grocery and convenience stores: a glass half-full for craft brewers?

Regional Studies

Palardy, Nathan; Costanigro, Marco; Cannon, Joseph; Thilmany, Dawn; Berning, Joshua; Bayham, Jude; Callaway, Jeff

2023How older households manage food insecurity with food production activities

University of Kentucky; Center for Poverty Research
Joshua Berning, Jude Bayham, Alessandro Bonanno, Rebecca Cleary : Colorado State University

2023Farm to school programming spillovers and households' fruits and vegetables purchases

SS Mendis, A Bonanno, C Cho - Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics …, 2023

 Date Article Link Description
*CSU authors in bold