County Labor Force Risk
At-Risk Workers
This interactive graphic displays county-level estimates of the number of workers employed in industries designated as “essential critical infrastructure industries” if they contract COVID-19. We hope that these data can help policy makers and industry stakeholders understand the potential ramifications of COVID-19 for our workforce.
How to use this tool:
- Select a risk factor (the default is to display the number of workers with any health risk factor).
- Select whether to look at essential industries or all industries (the default is essential industries only).
- Select an industry to focus on (the default is all). The available industry options match NHIS industry codes.
- Select a state to focus on (the default is all).
- Use the spatial selector tool to highlight multiple counties at once.
- Note that counties with less than 50 qualifying workers are not displayed
Take-aways for Colorado:
- Colorado has an estimated 1.8 million workers (77%) employed in any industry who have at least one health condition that puts them at risk of facing complications from COVID-19.
- The majority of these at-risk workers (1.2 million) are employed in critical infrastructure industries.
- Workers in food production industries with health risks are disproportionately located in rural counties in Colorado.