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Journal Articles

 Date Article Link Description
2022The profitability implications of sales through local food markets for beginning farmers and ranchers

Agricultural Finance Review
Becca B.R. Jablonski, Joleen Hadrich, Allison Bauman, Martha Sullins, Dawn Thilmany

2021Too cool for farm to school? Analyzing the determinants of farm to school programming continuation

Alessandro Bonanno and Sachintha S.Mendis

2017Exploring Localized Economic Dynamics: Methods Driven Case Studies of Transformation and Growth in Agricultural and Food Markets

Bauman, A and D. Thilmany. Exploring Localized Economic Dynamics: Methods Driven Case Studies of Transformation and Growth in Agricultural and Food Markets. Economic Development Quarterly.

2020Local Food Market Orientation and Labor Intensity

BBR Jablonski, A Bauman, D Thilmany - Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 2020

2022Opportunities to support beginning farmers and ranchers in the 2023 Farm Bill

Becca B. R. Jablonski; Nigel Key; Joleen Hadrich;
Allie Bauman; Sarah Campbell; Dawn Thilmany;
Martha Sullins

2020Emergency food provision for children and families during the COVID‐19 pandemic: Examples from five US cities

Becca B.R. Jablonski; Joy Casnovsky; Jill K. Clark; Rebecca Cleary; Beth Feingold; Darcy Freedman; Steven Gray; Xiaobo Romeiko; Laura Schmitt Olabisi; Mariana Torres; Alexandra E. van den Berg; Colleen Walsh; Chelsea Wentworth

2016Growing’ Communities with Urban Agriculture: Generating Value Above and Below Ground

Carolan, Michael & James Hale. 2016. “‘Growing’ Communities with Urban Agriculture: Generating Value Above and Below Ground.” Community Development

2021Exploring Changes in Local Food Purchasing Patterns during COVID-19: Insights from a Nationwide Consumer Survey

Hailey Edmondson, Colorado State University
Dr. Dawn Thilmany-McFadden, Colorado State University

2018Cooperative or Uncooperative Co-operatives?: Digging into the Process of Cooperation in Food and Agriculture Co-operatives

Hale, James & Michael Carolan. 2018. “Cooperative or Uncooperative Co-operatives?: Digging into the Process of Cooperation in Food and Agriculture Co-operatives.” Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development 8(1):1-20.

2018Framing Co-operative Development: The Bridging Role of Cultural and Symbolic Value between Human and Material Resources

Hale, James & Michael Carolan. 2018. “Framing Co-operative Development: The Bridging Role of Cultural and Symbolic Value between Human and Material Resources.” Community Development 49(4):360-379.

2019Social Sustainability Indicators as Performance

Hale, James, Katharine Legun, Hugh Campbell, & Michael Carolan. 2019. “Social Sustainability Indicators as Performance.” Geoforum.

2022Disparities in food insecurity among Black and White households: An analysis by age cohort, poverty, education, and home ownership

J Berning, A Bonanno, R Cleary - Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 2022

2022Food insecurity and time use in elderly vs. non‐elderly: An exploratory analysis

J Berning, R Cleary, A Bonanno - Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 2022

2020Just wheat transitions?: working toward constructive structural changes in wheat production

J Hale, M Schipanski, M Carolan - Local Environment, 2020
How do we make agricultural practice more sustainable? One way to examine the drivers and barriers to transitions within agriculture is through the sustainability transitions framework. However, this approach has been criticised for not adequately …

2016Analyzing the role of community and individual factors in food insecurity: Identifying diverse barriers across clustered community members

Jablonski, B., D. Thilmany and A. Colpaart. 2016. Analyzing the role of community and individual factors in food insecurity: Identifying diverse barriers across clustered community members. Journal of Community Health. 1-14.

2016Evaluating the economic impact of local food system initiatives: A USDA funded toolkit

Jablonski, BBR, J. O’Hara, D. Thilmany McFadden and D. Tropp. 2016. Evaluating the economic impact of local food system initiatives: A USDA funded toolkit. Journal of Extension. December

2017Economic Impacts of Farm to School: Case Studies and Assessment Tools

Libby Christensen, Becca Jablonski, Lacy Stephens, and Anupama Joshi
Economic Impacts of Farm to School: Case Studies and Assessment Tools

2017Coloradans’ Perceptions About Land and Water Resources for Agriculture

M. Sullins, D. Thilmany, C. Chriestenson, M. Martin, B. Jablonski and W. White. Survey on Colorado Attitudes about Food and Agriculture highlights several key findings with respect to Coloradans’ perceptions about and priorities for agricultural land and water use.

2016Colorado Residents Trusted Sources of Agricultural, Biotechnology and Food Information

Martin, M., R. Hill, A. Van Sandt and D. Thilmany. 2016. Colorado Residents Trusted Sources of Agricultural, Biotechnology and Food Information. Ag BioForum.

2017Perception of Trust in Sources of Information on Agriculture and Food Issues

Martin, M., C. Chriestenson, D. Thilmany, B. Jablonski, and M. Sullins. FSR 17-02. Perception of Trust in Sources of Information on Agriculture and Food Issues. March 2017. 9 pp.

2021COVID-19's Impact on Gendered Household Food Practices: Eating and Feeding as Expressions of Competencies, Moralities, and Mobilities

Michael Carolan - The Sociological Quarterly, 2021
This article is based on research conducted in Colorado in late-2019 and again post-COVID outbreak, from April through May of 2020.

2017Lactobacillus paracasei metabolism of rice bran reveals metabolome associated with Salmonella Typhimurium growth reduction

Nealon NJ, Worcester CR, Ryan EP. Lactobacillus paracasei metabolism of rice bran reveals metabolome associated with Salmonella Typhimurium growth reduction. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 2017;122: 1639-1656. PubMed PMID: 28371001.

2017Rice Bran and Probiotics Alter the Porcine Large Intestine and Serum Metabolomes for Protection against Human Rotavirus Diarrhea

Nealon NJ, Yuan L, Yang X, Ryan EP. Rice Bran and Probiotics Alter the Porcine Large Intestine and Serum Metabolomes for Protection against Human Rotavirus Diarrhea. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2017;8. PubMed PMID: 28484432; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5399067.

2021Validation of a Home Food Environment Instrument Assessing Household Food Patterning and Quality

Barrett, K.J.; Hibbs-Shipp,
S.K.; Hobbs, S.; Boles, R.E.; Johnson,
S.L.; Bellows, L.L.

2020Making Headway on the Hemp Industry in Colorado: The CHAMP Initiative

R Hill, D Mooney, D Thilmany - Western Economics Forum, 2020
Establishing state hemp programs in the US West creates an increased need for economic professionals to understand key supply chain issues for this new alternative crop.

 Date Article Link Description
*CSU authors in bold