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December 8, 2022

Track Session Topics

Bringing Policy Down to Earth

A useful 101 to get any food system stakeholder started! Sessions in this track provide foundational concepts and framework for understanding what policy is, how it affects our ag and food systems, and where we can have the greatest collective impact. Opportunities for further learning and investigation will be shared at the end of each session. Come with the questions you have always wanted to ask but never felt comfortable asking (because you thought you should already know the answer).

Key Factors in Food and Agriculture

Take a deep dive into the foundation to our food and agricultural system. Hear from the people that live, breath, and eat the topic. Panelists will speak to the biggest challenges and opportunities facing communities in Colorado including policy implications for each of the topic areas. Hear about on the ground examples of how communities are seeking to increase equitable access to these resources in rural and urban places.

Next Generation of Food and Agriculture

What does the future of agriculture and food systems look like? This track will feature those seeking to answer that question including educators, innovators, practitioners, and those seeking to build a future for themselves and their families in food and agriculture sectors. Topics include new and beginning farmer programs, innovations in ag and food education, and supporting a new generation of food and ag entrepreneurs and advocates.

Putting our money where our mouth is: Connecting Supply and Demand for CO ag and food

Connecting supply and demand for Colorado agricultural and food products is at the crux of many initiatives across the state. Join for engaging and interactive sessions to identify practical action steps stakeholders can take to assure the food grown, raised, and processed in Colorado is consumed in our state. Sessions will explore different supply chains, including food access programs and institutional procurement

A place for all at the table: New approaches to Nutrition Security

The nature of work on hunger, food security, nutrition security and food apartheid continues to grow and evolve alongside our shared understandings of the root causes to addressing underlying inequality and injustice in our food system. These sessions center the experience and expertise of directly impacted stakeholders and elevate innovative and community-driven solutions to reducing stigma and fostering equitable, healthful, and delicious access to nutritious foods for all Coloradans.

Final Agenda

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Registration 7:00 Great Hall

Breakfast 7:30 Great Hall

Welcome and opening session 8:00- 9:30 Great Hall

Session 1 | 9:45-11

Concurrent Sessions

Bringing Policy Down to Earth

Federal Policy and Programs Demystified

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Key Factors in Food and Agriculture

Can Land and Water Policy Move at the Speed of Climate Change?

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Next Generation of Food and Agriculture

Next Generation Food Systems: Following the leadership of Colorado youth

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Putting our money where our mouth is: Connecting Supply and Demand for CO ag and food systems

Colorado Feeding Colorado: Farm to Institution Innovations

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A place for all at the table: New approaches to Nutrition Security

The Root of the Problem: Nutrition Insecurity in Real Life

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Session 2 | 11:15-12:30

Concurrent Sessions

Bringing Policy Down to Earth

Key Factors in Food and Agriculture

Brand New Bag: Creative financing for food systems

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Next Generation of Food and Agriculture

New Entry Farmer and Rancher Panel

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Putting our money where our mouth is: Connecting Supply and Demand for CO ag and food systems

Work Smarter Not Harder: New and Appropriate Technologies

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A place for all at the table: New approaches to Nutrition Security

Everyone Eats: Strategies for mitigating stigma

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LUNCH 12:30-2 Great Hall

Session 3| 2-3:30

Concurrent Sessions

Bringing Policy Down to Earth

World Café: Open forum to identify, discuss and advance key issues and opportunities

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Key Factors in Food and Agriculture

Localized solutions to Global Issue: A case study of the San Luis Valley

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Next Generation of Food and Agriculture

Voices from the future: Creating a youth-led vision for Colorado Food Systems

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Putting our money where our mouth is: Connecting Supply and Demand for CO ag and food systems

Value Chain Coordination: Growing markets from the ground up

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A place for all at the table: New approaches to Nutrition Security

No Foods are bad foods: Embracing Food, Culture, and Community

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CLOSING 3:45-4:30 Great Hall

Happy Hour presented by Colorado Proud 4:30- 6:30 Great Hall


Come and enjoy cuisine from 8 chefs of the state’s independent restaurant scene, each showcasing a different region of Colorado and its local agricultural staples


Meet the wide range of speakers representing various locations throughout Colorado for the 2022 Colorado Food Summit.


Given the focus on leveraging food policy, we our planning committee is made up of representatives from each of the state’s food policy councils/coalitions, which are in turn representative of the diversity of Colorado’s food systems.

Stay Up to Date

We invite anyone connected to Colorado’s food system to be a part of this important discussion. Please add your email here to stay up to date with the latest information about the regional and statewide gatherings.
